
We became a CIO in July 2022.  This required drawing up a new constitution.  You can read it here.


Safeguarding is the protection of adults and children from harm, abuse or neglect. 

We all have the same rights and expectations to independence, respect, choice, fulfilment of our ambitions, to be heard, included, and to have privacy and confidentiality.  These expectations are central to the way in which we interact with each other in our life together.

Safeguarding involves a range of activities aimed a promoting the individual's fundamental right to be safe.  These include making and maintaining safe environments for all, having processes to follow should something go wrong, and support for everyone involved.

At Orchard Baptist, we are committed to the nurturing, protection and safety of all, especially the young and vulnerable.

To find out more you can read our Church Safeguarding Policy.

Data Protection and Privacy Notices

At Orchard Baptist we take data protection very seriously and you can read our full Data Protection policy here.

Privacy Notice for people who are part of the Church

Under Data Protection legislation the Church Charity Trustees of Orchard Baptist Church are the Data Controller and can be contacted by email.

We collect this information to enable the church to operate, to keep in touch with you and provide pastoral support as appropriate

Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the churches legitimate interest.

Your name and contact details will be entered into our church database which is held and accessed on the computers of authorised church officers and which are password protected.  Your contact details will be removed from the database once you are no longer associated with the church and its activities - unless you ask to remain as one of our "church friends".

The church Fellowship List, which is stored as the database above, is also distributed to all who are on it and relevant church friends.

To enable us to provide adequate pastoral support to you and your family, those with pastoral responsibility may record information which may be regarded as sensitive.  This information may be stored (in password protected documents) on computers or locked away securely if in paper format.  This information will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without your consent.

You have the right to ask to see any information we hold about you (including the pastoral support information) by sending an email as a 'Subject Access Request' to us.  You also have the right to ask for information which you believe to be incorrect to be rectified.

Please do email us if you are concerned about the way your information is being handled.  If you are still unhappy, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.

Whenever you do give us consent to use your personal  data you have the right to change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time

Privacy Notice for people registering for activities and events at the Church

Under Data Protection legislation the Church Charity Trustees of Orchard Baptist Church are the Data Controller and can be contacted by email.

We collect this information to enable the church to run activities safely and ensure we can contact you (or in the case of a child another nominated adult) in case of an emergency.

Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the churches legitimate interest.  If you are unable to supply the information requested then you will be unable to take part in the activity.

The information you supply will be held in paper form in a securely locked drawer.  Only people authorised by the church will have access to this information.

The forms will be destroyed once the activity has finished.  We will keep you informed about future activities that you may be interested in if you have ticked the box.  If this is the case we will retain your details for the sole purpose of notifying you of such events.  We will NOT pass on this information to anyone else.  You have the right to ask to be removed from this circulation list at any time

If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please do contact us.  If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.

Privacy Notice for any contact made via our website

Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Orchard Baptist Church are the Data Controller and can be contacted by email.

If you complete the 'Contact Us' form we will only retain your name and details for as long as is necessary for us to deal with your enquiry.  We will NOT pass on your details to anyone other than the person (or people) in the church who are best able to deal with your enquiry.

If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please do contact us via email or phone.  If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office


In line with the Equality Act we have a Building Fellowship document.